About Us

Our purpose is to be an accrediting agency to small Bible colleges, specialized schools, institutes and seminaries, which handle distance, external study programs and/or resident programs. We invite applicants from those institutions that would not qualify for, or do not want the governmental connection with, regional accreditation. We also welcome applications from those who have been denied by other accrediting agencies.

Since we believe in the right of separation of church and state, we have not, nor will we ever, apply to the U.S. Department of Education for any affiliation with the government. In other words, we are not a regional accreditation agency.

When an institution becomes accredited it indicates their willingness to become examined by a third party organization. It openly allows analysis of their policies and practices. Accreditation is purely voluntary in nature. Yet, accreditation of a Bible college or seminary gives a “seal of approval” for those who are attempting to find out where they would like to attend school. Through ACBHE, even the smallest educational establishment can distinguish itself as an accredited body of higher learning.

The ACBHE was formed to be an effective alternative for many Institutions to acquire accreditation for the courses they offer. Many Institutions offer quality education in the Theological area but do not meet the exacting level of corporate standards set by a majority of the accrediting bodies. ACBHE recognizes the exceptions made to smaller or more specialized educational Institutions and serves to address this need.

The ACBHE recognizes that quality training and education for Theological studies are presently offered in varying formats and delivery systems; the students prove the effectual rewards of this education. ACBHE will validate these worthy Institutions and offer quality assurance and Theological Accreditation at no cost to the Institution.

Theological Accrediting is not in any way derived from the US Department of Education.


The Bible and all Theological studies fall outside of academic authority set by the US-DOE. All Institutions that offer DOE Accreditation do so through additional academic studies and are listed as liberal arts Institutions. This causes the dedicated Theological Institutes to be excluded from the covering of recognized accreditation.

The ACBHE is a Christian based foundation that is dedicated to the specialized area of Theological Education. No other secular corporate structure or alternate studies need to be addressed for the receiving of ACBHE Accreditation. Institutes are reviewed based upon their Theological studies alone. ACBHE upholds the division of church and state and does not require the government’s permission or approval to endorse an Institute for third party accreditation that is awarded for Theological studies through this Foundation.